
Eating prevent gout

Gout (gout) is considered to be diseases of civilized society, related to modern lifestyle - diet and lack of exercise excessive ... The adjustment of diet can help you prevent this disease.

Gout is a metabolic disorder related to increased production or decreased excretion of uric acid in the body. The deposition of urate crystals in the joints and organizations around the joints causing inflammation. The disease usually occurs in middle-aged men.
The disease occurs at night, indicated by threatening acute arthritis, most commonly the big toe joint goals. The use of drugs to by specialist guides to use properly. The disease can be okay if treated properly.
Some precautions gout:
- Eat a balanced diet, not fasting, skipping meals, not using stimulants such as chili, pepper, pickles and tomato types of salt. Minimize eating foods such as liver, heart, tongue animals, mushrooms, eggs, fish, ice cream, cake with cream. Avoid eating fried fish supplies, dog meat, bone soup stew, fish soup; avoid eating certain vegetables such as beans, cauliflower and beans, beets. Could eat white meats like chicken breast meat, rabbit meat.

- Do not drink alcohol, limit drinking beer, do not drink tea, specialty coffee and carbonated beverages. In one study, it was found that among people who drink about 1 liter of beer a day or more in the incidence of gout 2.5 times compared with those who drink limit.
- Milk and milk products such as yogurt; cucumber, watermelon ... the food is good for the prevention and treatment of gout. Bread, eggs, most fruits and vegetables (potatoes, squash, pumpkin, cabbage, onions, garlic ... except tomatoes) patients with gout can be used.
- Drink plenty of water (2-3 liters / day), the proportion of mineral water with low mineral and alkaline effect eliminator excess uric acid in the body is also very good for gout patients (can drink 1-3 cups / day 1 hour before meals during the period of disease recurrence).
- Adjust the weight of the reasonable exercise of moderate strength exercises work to strengthen overall health, weight loss and regulate metabolic processes. However, it should stop all the stages of disease recurrence.


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