
Symptoms and signs of gout

The first symptoms of gouty arthritis is usually a sudden onset of warmth, redness, and swelling. The business is usually associated toe platform that swelling can be associated with severe pain, but almost any joint can be involved (eg, knee, ankle, and small joints of the hand). In some people, the pain is very intense acute that even a bed sheet on the toes cause severe pain. Acute gouty arthritis at the base of the big toe is called Podagra.

Even without treatment, the first attack stopped spontaneously after 1-2 weeks. While the pain and swelling is completely gone, acute gouty arthritis often come back in the same business or other enterprise.

With time, the attacks of gouty arthritis can occur frequently and can last longer. During the first attack usually involves only one or two joints, multiple joints can participate simultaneously in time. The important thing to note is unrecognizable (subclinical), potentially damaging inflammation in the joints can occur between the attacks of flares clear of gouty arthritis.

Kidney stones often in people with gout.

Uric acid crystals can form in the joints outside. The collection of these crystals, called tophi, can be found in the ear, elbow and Achilles tendon (the back of the ankle), or in other tissues. Typically, the tophi painless but can be a valuable clue to the diagnosis as the crystals formed, they can be removed with a small needle for examination under a microscope. Evaluation of a micro tophus area revealed a nest-like crystals of uric acid embedded with the white blood cells of inflammation.


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