
Synthesis of how to prevent gout (gout)

Gout - Gout - Gout is a disease known to mankind's oldest - has more than 2000 years. Gout is often due to the relapse of acute arthritis, the most common manifestation is swollen, red toe (50% of cases). Gout causes mainly due to the accumulation of uric acid in the joints , tendons, muscles and tissues around the.
Men often gout than women (95% of men with fat body condition between the ages 35-45). Gout Symptoms usually occur in women after menopause. This is a curable disease and there are ways to prevent recurrence.
Gout in the history of the disease is considered to be kings or rich man's disease because often appear on the excess eating quality. Today, it's known that gout is a complex disorder affect everyone, not just for the rich. In Vietnam, there are millions of people are suffering from gout.
Synthesis of how to prevent gout (gout)
Artwork gout

The signs and symptoms of gout:
Gout Symptoms and relatively easy to identify, if you look closely.
  • The most typical is the swelling, redness toe
  • Common in men (95%), healthy, stout. Usually begins at the age of 35 to 45. Starting sudden illness, changes in waves, waves of pain between the joints completely off (the early years)
  • Starting position is usually the joints in the lower extremities, particularly the feet toes I (70%)
The nature of the disease gout patients show severe pain swollen red hot, in a sudden fit, asymmetrical and may go away after 3-7 days. In late-stage expression in multiple joints, can symmetry, appearance of lumps (tophy) in many places especially around the joints. In the acute phase may include systemic signs such as fever, chills, sometimes with meningeal signs (stiff neck, vomiting ...)
The cause of gout:
Gout has many causes, including the concentration of uric acid in the blood increases as the main cause. The disease may occur because one of the reasons: genetics, diet, uric acid excretion by the kidneys.

Eating habits

Diet accounts for about 12% of the causes of gout:
  • Use of alcoholic drinks.
  • Drinks with high sugar content.
  • Foods containing protein (beef, seafood).
Recent research scientists have shown that a number of purine-rich foods that people still believe is the cause of gout, such as peas, spinach, vegetables, lentils, protein synthesis in fact, there is no photo What effect.
Uric acid is a byproduct generated by the degradation of Purin teaching - can be found in animal organs: liver, brain, kidney, spleen and anchovies, herring, mackerel. Purin also in all kinds of meat, fish and poultry.
Normally, uric acid dissolves in your blood and excreted through the urine. But sometimes the body produces too much uric acid or too little acid waste. Consequently, increased blood uric acid, accumulated and deposited into the crystal sharp needles in the joints causes symptoms of pain, inflammation and swelling.
Some other conditions, called pseudo gout, also state crystal deposition in joints but not the uric acid crystals that are calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate crystals. Pseudogout can cause toe joint pain similar Gout but usually in larger joints such as the knee, wrist or ankle.
Factors risk of gout :
The following factors or circumstances may increase the risk of gout:
Lifestyle. Most often lauong much alcohol (alcohol), especially beer. Drinking more than two drinks a means for men and one for women each day. If thetrong higher than 15 kg ideal body weight also increases the risk of gout.
Certain diseases and drugs. Some diseases and medications can also increase your risk of gout, such as hypertension, diabetes, high cholesterol, narrowing of the arteries (atherosclerosis due), surgery, patients and severe physical injury, sudden, sedentary, ... as well as hyperuricemia. Some drugs, such as thiazide diuretics (a drug treatment of hypertension by reducing the amount of salt and water in the body), low-dose aspirin and cyclosporine (a drug used for the transplant to prevent graft rejection ). Chemotherapy in some diseases, such as cancer cells and destroy thulam release large amounts of purines in the blood.
Genetics. A quarter of patients with gout have a family history of this disease.
Age and gender. Men have a higher incidence of female patients. Women with blood uric acid levels are generally lower than men's, but after chronic kinhlai age increases. Gout in Men often khoang30-50 age, while women 50-70.
Complications of gout
Some patients with gout arthritis progression to chronic, often change color due to deposition of crystals under the skin reputed to be the urate (tophi). A few might have kidney stones.
Treatment of gout
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) used to reduce pain, inflammation in the acute gout attacks. Including drugs such as indomethacin (Indocin) or free drugs sold in pharmacies as ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin, ...). Your doctor may also prescribe you anti-inflammatory steroid such as prednisone for.
But be careful with this medication and consult your doctor specifically how and when to use (usually recommended 3-10 days), because if prolonged treatment they can cause variations certified as ulcers and bleeding have reached the duodenum.
In case you suffer from an acute gout attack, your doctor may tell you to use colchicine or Cortisone injections directly into the joint, simultaneous use of treatments to prevent lowering uric acid levels in your blood.
Prevention of gout
There is no sure way to prevent the onset and recurrence of gout. If you suffer from gout, your doctor will give you some drugs used to prevent or reduce the severity of relapses later. These drugs include allopurinol (Zyloprim, Aloprim) and probenecid (Benemid), used daily to help reduce the concentration and rate of production of uric acid. Maintaining stable uric acid levels in the normal range is preventing gout lasting and effective.
Take care of yourself when gout
Lifestyle changes can not treat gout, but is useful to support treatment. The following measures to help reduce and prevent symptoms:
Slimming. Maintaining a healthy weight by gradual weight loss reduces blood uric acid levels, and endurance Reduce the weight of the match. Do not starve to lose weight fast because such increases blood uric acid .
Avoid eating too much animal protein. This is a rich source of purines. The purine-rich foods such as animal organs (liver, kidney, brain, spleen), anchovies, herring, mackerel, ... all kinds of meat, fish and poultry contain less than purines.
Limit or avoid alcohol. If you are suffering from gout, it is best to avoid alcohol altogether. Drinking too much alcohol reduces the excretion of uric acid. The lower limit of two cups a day if you are a man, a cup if you are female
Eating and drinking plenty of water, liquid. Services dilute uric acid levels in your blood.


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