Gout or gout according to traditional medical disorder of uric acid in the body. People with gout are often swollen joint pain, limited movement. Many natural herbs can reduce pain, inflammation for this disease.
Here are three herbs that people with gout you should know.
Tree wolves
This plant is also known as the "Nine more tea," "next milestone,"
"Nine more style" ... and there is the scientific name Sarcandra grabra
(Thunb), grows wild in many parts of our country.
According to the traditional pharmacy, spicy oak forest, calculated
average, are considered valuable medicine widely used in folk to use
toxic elimination, analgesic, antibacterial and immunomodulatory, often
used in patients inflammatory, autoimmune disease, rheumatoid arthritis,
gout (gout).

The results of modern research shows that wolves plant extract has
anti-inflammatory efficiency 97.6%, does not cause side effects,
particularly part leaves the strongest antibacterial effect.
The traditional Chinese medicine has been formulated in the form of
wolves intramuscular medications to treat rheumatoid arthritis
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Hy thiêm
Medicinal plants have died thiêm also known as yellow flower bitch,
commonly used in traditional medicine and the pharmaceutical industry in
Vietnam. Hy thiêm daturosid bitter substance, orientin and 3.7 dimethylquercetin help people with gout lower uric acid in the blood.
Currently, many studies of Hanoi University of Pharmacy showed that
uric acid lowering effects and anti-inflammatory, analgesic clear of
this plant.
Hy there thiêm pharmacological effects such as rheumatism unless,
through the meridians, heat detoxification, good muscles, relieve pain,
and have a sedative effect, lowering blood pressure, inhibiting the
development of ulcers on the body. Thus, pharmaceuticals will reduce complications in patients with gout.
The leaves have died thiêm clear inhibitory effect of acute
inflammatory phase and a weak inhibitor stage experimental chronic
On the other hand, acute toxicity of hope thiêm relatively low (77,7g
per kg weight), so we were prepared with the treatment of gout.
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To treat rheumatism, from ancient times, our forefathers knew county
code uses the money to treat the principle of "taking toxic poison." This is a valuable experience very special.
Anti-fatigue effects numbness and pain of cutting particles money code
has been tested in practice from generation to generation. In folk medicine cure rheumatism have found effective to use prefabricated code.
The research results show that modern medicine, pharmacological effects
of prefabricated code works to increase nervine, numb feeling nervous,
analgesic, anti-inflammatory, inhibiting bacteria.
In traditional medicine, prefabricated code works in abundance: to
promote the operation of blood services, eliminating stasis, passages
and communications activities, anti-fatigue and numbness cut bone and
joint pain caused by arthritis style, pain by gout.
Tam Binh Pharmaceutical Company has research and collaborate with
scientists to produce successful new products in capsule form is handy
Tam Binh Vien gout.
Products will be used to reduce the excretion of uric acid in the
blood, reduce swelling and pain in the joints, especially the big toe
joint, foot by gout.
The unique features of individual products Tam Binh Gout is meticulous
preparation method and combines three high leaf herbs you are wolves, hy
Thiem, prefabricated code with herbs medicine tonic effect can kidney
as equivalent regulations, parking areas herbs and essential style than
low, strong muscles like ox latest, breaking for parts, reinforcing old
gas, toxic activity, the spleen.
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