Scientists have identified urate crystal salt deposition of sodium in the body as the culprit new needle stimulation of gouty arthritis attacks, but so far the researchers produce world gout treatment world has yet to focus on the target melt of sodium urate crystals of salt. The drug treatment of gout Western medicine has focused on two objectives are anti-inflammatory, analgesic and drug groups reduces blood uric acid levels.
of anti-inflammatory, analgesic solved only intermittent symptoms of
gout, the drug also reduces blood uric acid levels only limited
additional precipitation of sodium urate salt crystals new, but the
microcrystalline Can sodium urate salts were deposited in the body still
exists and will continue to cause inflammation of the new.
To cure gout need to melt the salt microcrystalline sodium urate deposition has been removed and the condition of uric acid crystals do not precipitate urate salts, as well as enhance phagocytosis of urate crystal salt sodium of polymorphonuclear leukocytes.
see the limitations of the drug to treat gout now, as determined by the
requirements of the new drug treatment of gout and chronic conditions
attached, professors, doctors of the Institute of gout City. HCM has focused research and successful preparation of products from herbal medicines work to promote the conditions of soluble salts urate crystals deposited in the body such as the TP2601, TP640.
in patients with gout usually have a lot of patients with chronic,
while each drug Western medicine treatment of this disease have effects
on the narrow purpose to resolve symptoms such as professors, doctors
Gout HCMC Institute has focused research and successful preparation of
herbal medicines to treat the disease and coordinate the group as:
GD108, Liveric effect reducing liver enzymes fast, rehabilitation
compensated cirrhosis, hepatitis B virus eradication, liver
detoxification ...
- Helps to support the treatment of glomerulonephritis acute and
chronic kidney failure, kidney stones melted, anti-urate reabsorption in
the kidney.
As a special product for cardiovascular, its mechanism is melt and
prevent the formation of blood clots, heart support, emptying the
circuit should Cardozamin capable of very rapid emergency angina
ischemic myocardium. When
patients with angina to just suck from 2-3 cardozamin members under the
tongue in about 1 minute to soothe the pain immediately. If
the patient is prepared to intervene in place mattes that are treated
aggressively with cardozamin probably will not put any more mattes
Ninorin, Morinda is the herb has a beneficial effect on overall metabolism, help support the treatment of gout , rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis
KTP08: Anti-inflammatory for cases of osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis.
relaxing effect IC circulatory perfusion help the kidneys, the brain
and increase circulation common good, to help support the treatment of
kidney failure, major physiological ...
System of medicine which professors, doctors at the Institute of gout study are derived entirely from safe herbal combination types in patients with multiple morbidities. In
the past three years thousands of patients with gout complications with
severe injuries to the liver, kidneys, heart, joints were restored
effective cure.
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