Gout usually occurs in attacks. An attack typically develops quickly
over a few hours. It usually causes severe pain in one joint. The base
of the big toe is the most commonly affected joint. Walking can be very
painful and even the weight of bedclothes can hurt.
However, any joint can be affected. Sometimes two or more joints are
affected. Affected joints usually swell and the nearby skin may look red
and inflamed. If left untreated, a gout attack may last several days
but usually goes completely within 7-10 days. Less severe attacks can
occur which may be mistaken at first for other forms of arthritis.
Weeks, months or even years may go by between attacks. Some people only
ever have one attack.
Is gout serious?
A gout attack can be very painful. However, other effects from gout
are uncommon. Joint damage may occur if you have recurring attacks. In a
few people, uric acid crystals form kidney stones or may cause some
kidney damage. Sometimes the crystals form bumps (tophi) under the skin.
These are usually harmless and painless but sometimes form in awkward
places such as at the end of fingers. Tophi occasionally become
How is gout diagnosed?
Gout is usually diagnosed if you have the typical gout symptoms and a
raised blood level of uric acid. If there is doubt as to the cause of
the pain and swelling, your doctor may take some fluid out of a swollen
joint. This is done with a needle and syringe. The fluid is looked at
under the microscope. Crystals of uric acid (urate) can be seen in the
fluid to confirm the diagnosis of gout.
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