
Why drink a lot of alcohol prone gout

  Gout is a form of arthritis caused intense pain in the big toe or ankle, common in men. One of the reasons that the eyebrow whiskers become the object of attack of the disease because they often drink more alcohol. Thus, the drink has been nothing gout diet ?
1. Beer - supply of uric acid causes gout
Uric acid is the major cause to gout. Uric acid is produced by the breakdown of purines and protein is excreted from the body through urine. The habit of using food or drinks rich in purines lead to increased uric acid in the blood. In addition to nutritious foods such as beef, fish, shrimp, crab, animal viscera ..., beer is considered too large supply of human purine cause increased blood uric acid and gout.

During follow-up than 47,000 men for 12 years, a group of experts from the Massachusetts Hospital (US) found: those who drank 2 beers per day morbidity rate 2.5 times higher than the do not drink.
In particular, in the drink, men rarely empty beer only. What is the brightly painted dishes (goat, veal ...) to two (shrimp, crab, sea fish ...) contains a lot of purine cause indigestion uric acid levels in the blood. The amount of uric acid in the blood is too high causing the kidneys do not excrete up causing deposition of urate crystals in the joints and cause gout attacks. This explains why gout to "visit" the gentleman after the party.
2. Alcohol causes metabolic disorders of uric acid in the blood
Unlike beer, alcohol was not a plentiful supply of purine, but this is the beverages should be avoided for gentlemen gout. Alcohol in wine impair the functioning of the liver and kidney, causing imbalance in the metabolism of uric acid in the body.
According to doctors, the decline in the ability to excrete uric acid in renal tubules often have many causes, which are mainly caused by eating protein-rich foods and drink a lot of alcohol. The drink more wine, spirits not only contributes to increased blood uric acid uric acid but also easily be deposited in the organization, causing an acute gout attack, causing kidney stones.
3. Prevention and treatment of gout.
To prevent gout , you should limit alcohol and foods with protein, or use some drugs are marketed.


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