
Men vitamin C supplementation reduced the risk of gout

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Bổ sung vitamin C giảm nguy cơ mắc bệnh gout ở nam giới
Vitamin C reduces the risk of gout in men
Men absorption of vitamin C will reduce the risk of gout. It is acknowledged by the pharmaceutical journal Archives of Internal Medicines.
Gout is common pathology of arthritis in men. Scientists have studied the relationship between vitamin C and gout in 46,996 men between 1986 and 2006. Every four years, the men must complete the questions on diet and drink as a part of their vitamin C in food supplements and other components. Every two years, they must report if you've been diagnosed or detected symptoms of gout or not.

The results showed that, compared with those who consumed less than 250 mg vitamin C / day, the consumption of 500mg - 999mg / day decreased by 17%, consumption of 1.000mg - 1499mg / day decreased 34% and 45% reduction of who consumed 1,500 mg / day or higher. It is known that vitamin C can effectively restrain the density of uric acid in the blood, substances tend to form crystal deposits in and around the joints resulting in pain, inflammation and swelling associated to gout. Vitamin C may affect the absorption of uric acid in the kidneys, activate kidney function or kidney protection against inflammation. These agents reduce the risk of gout effectively.


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