
Synthesis of gout treatments

Gout, also known as gout is a medical condition caused by metabolic disorders increase in serum uric acid. Gout Disease progressed through two phases: acute phase and the chronic phase. Gout progress in 10-20 years. By the final stage, patients lose mobility, there are many complications in kidney, gradually depleted, can lead to death. Readers can refer to a method of treating gout through the article below.
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Treatment of gout according to traditional

According to traditional medicine, gout (gout) is due to the evil invading foreign body obstruction caused meridians, blood stasis in the joints causing pain stretching difficult. Starting in muscle disease also expressed meridians, long illness, wrong gas in tendon damage viscera and function of blood disorders innovative services, new services into stasis talks, stalled the stasis of blood, phlegm stasis that the formation of tophi lumps around the joints, under the skin. It develops long-term damage to the kidneys can, deforming joints and recurrent.

Depending on the disease that may have different treatments:


Expression: Expression is low heat to style; Sudden thumb joint (commonly but also other small joints) swollen painful red hot, do not touch it, accompanied by fever, headache, cold or fear irritability, thirst, dry mouth, yellow urine, tongue red, yellow moss and dirt, Sac circuit.
Treatment: clear heat, data communications, the style, except low. Use all: White Tiger Que Chi Tang Gia Gia reduction: Plaster 40 - 60g (color front), Tri 12g sample, Que spent 4 - 6pm, thược White, Red thược are 12g, wire Honeysuckle 20 - 30g, 10g Century Room Moc information, customs co-packaging are 10g, Licorice 5 - 10g, excellent drink on l scale, while swollen red hot.
In case of severe low temperatures (swelling pain much more part Honeysuckle wire 40 - 50g, Turkey for flexible, Yu reason (except low-rise) or blood work as part medications Full Of regulations, Red sage, Trach spread, training personnel, Hong flowers, Sansha for retention of only the case may represent additional evidence Que more detail, Single operation, the new International to the statement, the only approved welding.

Can chronic

Expression: Expression of this can be more painful swollen joints stretching, stretching difficult, in matching red hot clear but not much pain, deformity accompanied by numbness, skin darkening purple black, hot compresses pleasant affective circuits Emergency mystical, pale tongue, white moss is a symptom of low welding stasis.
Treatment: welding zone, through communication, except for the low, only systems. Use mode where the new International are 4 - 5 g (excellent first), Full Of regulations 12g, 12g Red thược, Norwegian first flexible 10g, 16g for flexible Turkey, the Pi 12g, 20g Italy's course, Jupiter through 10g, Que spending 4 - 6pm, excellent drink.
In case of multiple joint pain and swelling hard, Delay circuit activity, moss dirty white tongue is thick phlegm symptoms bare stasis, injecting more passable Platform, Trans-painted borders, Create themuc like, Hy thiêm draft, customs co-packaging, to increase the effect active communication, except radio. Severe pain due to blood stasis (stabbing pain, circuit wax, tongue purple) add the corn, whole list, so fill them just the book for blood work.
In case of positive kidney damage (impotence, back knee discomfort, cold limbs, cold fear, stigmatization tongue, pulse Shen, deferred helplessly add Additional reinforcement only, Corporal blooded, Costa dark kidney complementary to the traditional core event, symptoms of blood nowhere more Huang period, Of regulations, Ginseng, White Atractylodes ...
Clinically Common:
The low temperature Aggregates: red swollen joints, pain, heat. Bothered apple, thirst, urine, yellow, red, head pain, fever, cold fear, nature red tongue, yellow tongue moss, pulse demand, Sac.
Treatment: Propaganda bar, good low temperature, data communications, network only. Use Post Listing Mini Scale reducers: Of regulations, White Atractylodes, ginseng Party, Yellow bird are 10g, Atractylodes, Zhu flexible, Trach description, Century Room are 12g, expectorant draft (stars), Suffering ginseng, Tri form, Thang ma are 6g, Italy's reason (live), Red beans are sub-15g. Excellent drink (edema Disease Diagnosis Is Learning).
Back sputum Stop Us: so many causes phlegm damp, heavy joints, difficulty moving, soft or stiff joints, sometimes fever, head pain, fear, nature red tongue, little moss, International circuit, waxes.
Treatment: Hoa business, historical stasis, phlegm goods, information communication. Use all materials Thang Dao Hong Tu reducers: Of regulations, chain-smoking, training personnel, Quince are 10g, Red Flower, Norwegian priest first, 6g Trans Frames, chicken sausage Nature, Philosophy samples were given 12g, Ty through communication, Create a sense of love, Armor Asia are 4,5g. Excellent drink (edema Disease Diagnosis Is Learning).
Low Han Feng, Blood retention: acute disease, joint pain a hard place, the cold is severe pain, having a warm, comfortable heat than can be deformed joints and stiffness, difficulty moving. Although swelling but no hot, red, thin white tongue, pulse activity, affective, or Nhu Xuan, Delay.
Treatment room area, except for low, moderate optimism economic activity. Use all blood Page Tu Listing Mini Scale: Page blood behind, behind all winter Rings 50g, Atractylodes, Business World lily


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