
Vegetation is gout treated milk?

Through the introduction of a friend, I learned about herbs milk works very well help reduce body heat. Especially effective in reducing and maintaining stability with gout.
Recipes: washing, drying, dry stir again and again 1 to brake drink, drink tea like that.
Not knowing that the use of this plant also has another effect or no adverse effects? Currently, my brother gout, this plant is used for good pretty good. Hope you press and people who have information to add, please share with me and for those who need to use. 
Vegetation milk. Artwork.
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There are two types of milk, grassy leaves and leaves little to basically use two of which are alike. In medicine, herb milk tastes slightly bitter, sour, cool, the target inflammatory, diuretic, antipyretic, target area. The whole plant is used for medicinal purposes.
Vegetation milk is widely used to treat dysentery, digestive disorders, help reduce fever, skin softening, allergy ... I own or use switch grass dairy milk inflammatory therapy for women. Recently, studies have demonstrated milk plants hypoglycemic effect for diabetic patients.
In my opinion, dairy plants also work with people with gout. However, when using the techniques you should consult your doctor's opinion by grass milk mild toxicity, high doses of this medicine can cause stomach irritation, vomiting ...


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